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Awareness about emotional and mental health challenges is crucial for reducing the stigma involved. Many professionals, including realtors, secretly struggle with depression, anxiety and a host of other issues. The stress and pressure in the real estate industry can amplify these problems.

Fluctuations in market conditions, for instance, can contribute to the stress realtors face. Overdoing it in sales or even not having the proper focus to drive sales can result in burnout. Deals that fail or clients who are unsatisfied can impact realtors’ sense of self. Self esteem and resilience are needed in the field to succeed. Setbacks are a big part of real estate. Overcoming them is expected and almost necessary to excel. 

Furthermore, real estate agents often work independently, which can lead to feelings of isolation. Loneliness is a real thing. It can negatively impact day-to-day job demands. To make matters worse, dealing with unhappy or insatiable clients can be taxing. Buying a new property is an incredibly demanding experience and if you can’t deal with your own emotional challenges, how can you possibly handle that of your clients and prospects. It can certainly take a toll.

Finally, realtors are faced with long hours and irregular schedules. This can take a big toll on their physical well-being, which then can impact mental well-being and enthusiasm to persevere. Lack of sleep, inconsistent family time and time to regroup will leave anyone feeling burned out.


Learning to set boundaries is a huge skill worth learning. Real estate advisors can feel better by seeking support from colleagues and mentors and saying no to overdoing tasks. Having a quiet time-out for regular meditation can work wonders too. Knowing what works best for you will be an individual discovery process. We are all different. Pay attention to what you need – is it to socialize more or to get in extra quiet time? We all recharge our batteries differently. Brokers should create a supportive work environment that emphasizes open communication. Those who speak openly about mental health challenges can make a huge positive impact on realtors and their team.

It is crucial for realtors and brokers to prioritize their mental health by practicing physical self care. Going to the gym or doing a physical activity that one enjoys can make a huge difference! Exercise releases feel good hormones (endorphins)! It is the best natural anti-depressant in the world. If the sun is out, taking an hour long walk in the morning is powerful. It also regulates sleep. Grounding is an activity that involves walking on the earth for at least 10-15 minutes each morning. It resets our circadian rhythm. It can be done right now during these warmer months ahead!

Mental health challenges are nothing to be embarrassed about. Additional tips for realtors to support their own well-being include: 1. Establishing boundaries between work and personal life to prevent exhaustion, 2. Managing stress by identifying specific stressors like time management and delegating tasks, 3. Setting attainable goals by breaking things down to smaller, more manageable tasks. Feel good about doing the small things and keep track of your own progress. Finally, if the struggles are just too much, seek professional help. Therapy is nothing to feel bad about. It can support and improve your overall well-being. This is why such professionals exist. Therapists, too, rely on other therapists.

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