7 Ways to Make the Perfect Man’s Garage of the Future

Written by Posted On Tuesday, 03 October 2017 09:12

Garages will always be a fixture in larger homes, if for nothing else, more than the fact they provide a profoundly simple utility. In fact, if you were in the market for a new home and it didn’t come with a garage, this would probably be an ultimate deal breaker.


No garage is created equal and circumstances in life may restrict your thinking on how a garage could be better. For large families who have amassed a wealth of “stuff” and have no better place to put their worldly possessions, it’s easy just to look at a garage as a handy storage space.


However, for the man who treats the garage as space where he not only protects his vehicle, it’s also ground zero for all household and other projects. It’s a source of pride for these individuals since it’s probably the one room in the house he can solely lay claim to. But this is where is usually ends and most don’t realize that a garage has the potential to be so much more.

The Man Cave + DIY Combo Garage

Some folks are lucky enough to have enough rooms in their home that they can comfortably deem at least one of them to act as their private “man cave.” We’ve all seen them and we all want one since men with families share their space with others. For these people, having a room all to themselves is a luxury that is desired by many.


On the other hand, some men would much prefer that their private space is reserved for hobbies and other DIY projects like woodworking or car maintenance. A place for all your tools to work comfortably and safely from others when working with dangerous equipment.


But who said these two things have to be separate? Why can’t a garage serve as both a “man cave” and DIY project space?


It’s the best of both worlds since you have a place to express your style and hang out with friends without sacrificing a space to get some work done. If you have the space to work with and want to dive into how to create the perfect garage for the modern man, here are seven ways to get started.

1. Upgrade Your Floors

So the garage is probably not the place you’ll most often be entertaining guests compared to the rest of the house, but there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be the new hangout spot. Most garage floors are made with concrete and a suspicious oil stain that never seems to go away. There are a couple of routes to take, but here’s how appeal to both sides of the man cave garage.


For areas of the garage where people may spend time most often, consider installing radiant heated floors. Those cold winter nights don’t restrict you or your guests to keeping their shoes on and adds a nice bit of comfort when walking around.


The other part of the garage floor should at least be improved to handle car repairs and help combat oil stains. One way could be to seal the floor with an epoxy, similar to those found in professional mechanic shops, or you could consider investing in customized garage floor tiles. These tiles interlock, can be easily installed, much stronger than your typical floor and are a favorite among serious car aficionados.


Both options work well for taking on car maintenance jobs and simplify cleanup.


2. Pick out some furniture

If you want to have a man cave feel in your garage, quality furniture will make the garage a place you’ll love spending time in. Unless you have a crazy amount of space and can fit 4+ cars in your garage, don’t crazy with picking out nice furniture.


Keep it simple and start out with a couch/sectional and coffee table to see how it feels. Of course, it should be noted that you can never go wrong with a solo recliner in your soon-to-be Fortress of Solitude. Outside of the really nice furniture, definitely think about getting a few stackable bar stools just in case one couch gets a little too intimate with your guests.


3. Lighting

Assuming you currently have an underwhelmingly typical garage, it probably doesn’t have much in the way of lighting outside of the one equipped to your garage door opener. That little light is great, but that really only satisfies a bare minimum amount of light in the garage.


But your garage deserves better, so it’s time to step up the lighting. Several options include a hanging fluorescent lamp, but this isn’t an office, so go for something a little easier on the eyes. A bright fluorescent lamp should still be considered to ensure you have optimal vision when taking on DIY projects.

You could try a series of track lighting kits or incandescent floor lamps to make the garage feel slightly more welcoming. For a little more style and flair, you can try out the Philips Vue lighting system where you can program a full spectrum of colors from your mobile device for added ambience.  


4. Security & Protecting Your Domain

You’re investing time and resources into creating the perfect man cave garage, so you’ll probably have a plethora of valuable possessions that need protecting. Even if you have the world’s finest home security system, failing to protect your garage as if it were any other part of the home puts your stuff at risk.


To help put your mind at ease, your mobile device will be your best friend. IoT devices can be synced to your device to control things like locks, heating and A/C, and even arming your home security.


For example, the Chamberlain MyQ app controls their companion garage door opener system and alerts you when a garage door is left open for an extended period of time. We’ve all had those moments where we left for the day and crippled with fear that we forgot to close the garage door.


Added Bonus: If you want just a little more assurance that your garage can’t be easily broken into, make sure you purchase special garage door locks and place a deadbolt on the back door (if your garage has one).


5. A Trusty Shop-Vac

No matter what you want to get out of your garage, there are just some things that it’s to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. The garage should still operate as place to take on projects and life is messy. Not to mention that when a garage door is opened all the way, the gaping void is big enough to let all kinds of dirt and debris into your garage.


This should go without saying, but if you don’t have a trusty wet-or-dry shop vacuum, there are lots reasons why you should go out and pick one up. It’s essential to keep in the garage, but you’ll undoubtedly be turning to this tool for years to come.  


6. Dust Off Your Old (or new) Vinyl

In case you haven’t heard, vinyl records are back in a big way. For those of you who never abandoned your extensive record collection, an upgraded man cave garage is the perfect place to bring them back into your life. On the other hand, if you’re already a huge vinyl enthusiast and never stopped listening to your favorite albums on vinyl, this could be a new place to hear your music or give you an excuse to get an additional sound system to enjoy your records.


Vinyl records are somewhat of an antiquated form of media, but a decent sound system will get you the most listening value from your collection. However, make sure your sound system accounts for a mobile device hookup or Bluetooth connection so it doesn’t restrict enjoying music via your turntable.


7. An Open Mind to Get Creative (Express Yourself!)

In summary, this space is yours; treat it with respect and pride. Don’t sell yourself short and restrict your thinking when it comes to creating the perfect man cave combo garage. The rest is really up to you, so feel free to decorate as you see fit. Sports memorabilia, movie posters, whiskey collections, dartboards- whatever you’re into - express yourself!

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Stephen Hoops

After receiving his Bachelor's in Journalism from West Virginia University in 2013, Stephen has been hooked on writing professionally ever since. Stephen is a content creator from Wheeling, WV, who specializes in blogs and loves connecting with folks via social media.


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