Extreme Weather Home Edition: 4 Storm Safety Tips for Your House

Written by Posted On Friday, 10 May 2019 13:07

If extreme weather was to hit, would you be ready? If you're like most homeowners, protecting both your family and home come first. But where do you start? 

Heavy rain storms can quickly turn into hurricanes or tornadoes, so being prepared is a must. This holds especially true for those suffering from chronic medical conditions, which require medication or oxygen. Even if you and your family are in perfect health, you still need an action plan.

Read on to learn how you can keep you and your family healthy and safe during a storm.

Plan Your Evacuation Routes

Being without a plan can be quite dangerous as you’re left scrambling around in the dark wondering what to do and where to go. So, even if there isn’t a storm approaching, it’s important that you create an evacuation plan and discuss it with your family. In fact, it’s highly recommended by the National Weather Service that you map out a plan of action just in case you’re strapped for time. 

Prepare Safety Kit

Having a safety kit is something every household needs to have regardless if there’s a storm. Of course, building a safety kit is easier said than done for first-timers.

Here’s a list of everything you should include in your safety kit:

Enough water for everyone to have a gallon

Non-perishable foods

A battery powered radio with at least two extra sets of batteries

A flashlight

Trash bags

First Aid Kits


A wrench

A pair of pliers

Phone chargers

A can opener

It’s also worth mentioning that you should keep this kit in an easy access spot like underneath the sink or near an exit.

  • Protect Your Exterior
  • Protecting you and your family is very important, but what about the house itself? It needs to be able to withstand a lot of stress from the storm. In order to prevent severe damage, why not consider adding metal roofing? Roof damages can cost quite the pretty penny to repair. 
  • Here's why you should have diy metal roofing:
  • They last longer - Metal roofs have been proven to last up to 70 years with the right material.
  • They're extremely durable - A lot of metal roofs are able to endure winds that are up to 140 miles per hour. You also won't have to worry about patching up the cracks and having routine maintenance.
  • They're very safe - Unlike traditional roofs, metal roofs won't catch on fire in the event of a lightning storm.
  • They're energy efficient - All metal roofs reflect the sun's heat, which can save you up to 25 percent off your utility bills
  • Prepare a Safety Room
  • Choose one room in your house to act as a safe room. This room should have everything you need such as water, food, pet food, blankets, flashlights, chargers and towels. So, with everything in a single space, it’ll be much easier to find something you need and won’t be much of a hassle to clean up.
  • Unfortunately, not even a meteorologist can predict how exactly a storm will affect everyone until after it hits. This is why it’s best to prepare in advance just in case something should go wrong during the storm. Also, everyone will feel a lot safer and calmer if they listen to the advice that's given and follows through.
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