Easy Home Décor Ideas That Can Transform Your House’s Look

Posted On Tuesday, 04 January 2022 20:36

Everyone wants a home that is pleasing to the eyes, from inside and out. However, a lot of people back down from millions of home décor ideas because of low budget and high effort, more time requirements.

That being said, you should know that even the simplest ideas, like putting new plants, colored light bulbs, or a new cushion set, can change your house’s theme and give it a new, transformed look.

In this article, we are going to talk about easy and simple ideas that can transform the look of your house. These ideas don’t require a long duration or maximum effort. They are also very cheap and easily executable.

Try them out! They may just be the perfect combination of your lovely home.

  1. 1. Put up wall frames

Frames that are put on walls are more appealing than those that sit on your shelf or desks. Picture frames on shelves and desks become visible when someone looks a close look at your house furniture. However, frames that are put on walls are prominent and eye-catching. 

In addition to that, you need to make sure that the frames you are putting up go with the overall look of your house. Go with a classic painting or an appealing abstract, or you can put up a family picture or a childhood photo. Whatever you finally decide to put on your wall, make sure that frame color and design are elegant.

  1. 2. Set up a newspaper table around the corner

We understand that reviving the whole furniture around your house can cost a lot more and take a lot of planning and consultation. However, if you start with just one object, it can bring a new look to your house and change the way your house works.

A newspaper table at the corner of the living room or near the entrance can also become a convenient spot for you to put down newspaper, keys, wallet, and things that you usually want to remember taking while you are going out. If you have a coat hanger already, then a cute, small table can become an elegant companion for it.

  1. 3. Bring new cushion covers for your couch

Who has time and money to change the couch covers or bring a new couch, right? Well, let's go with the easy option and just bring new cushion covers. Choose colors that are totally different from your current cushion covers and provide a contrast with the couch covers.

For instance, if your couch is white, don’t be afraid to bring royal blue cushion covers, or if your couch is brown, be bold and go with pink cushions.

This will transform the whole look of your living room at once.

  1. 4. Put plants in corners

Indoor plants are one of the best ways to bring a new, refreshing vibe to the house. And we are not talking about desk succulents and porch flowers, but a sophisticated, colored plant in the living room corner. 

Not only it will generate a new hobby of planting in you, but it will add a new life to the house. Plants also become the inspiration for new ideas.

  1. 5. Revive the old fireplace

If there’s a fireplace in your house that you don’t use, it can be the perfect spot for something new. The look of a fireplace is enough in itself to make you think of hundred ideas to redesign it. 

You can make it a display shelf to showcase your artwork, or you can put little pieces of statues in it. It can also be a place for a large indoor plant. Moreover, if you have a pet, you can make that place a small bedroom for your furry friend.

  1. 6. Use chalk paint to make wall art

There are hundreds of DIY ideas you can check to see how chalk paint can really be the essence of the redecoration around your house. 

Chalk paint can basically be used anywhere, on glass, wall, plastic, wood, and that is its biggest advantage. You can make wall art with chalk paint. Paint your empty fireplace to give it a new look. Paint the pots in your gallery and porch to make them contrast with the paint of the house, or you can revive up any old furniture to make it a classic piece of your house.

However, remember to use quality Annie Sloan chalk paint if you don't want the paint job to start deteriorating after a few months. 

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