Control Your Client Interviews and Increase Your Productivity

Written by Posted On Tuesday, 14 June 2005 17:00

In real estate, asking generally involves two key factors: using in-person verbal messages and asking for concrete results -- for the job, referrals, testimonials, feedback, etc.

However, there are times when you must deal with questions without employing either of these tactics.

When You Can't Be There In Person

One-on-one communication is always ideal, but you can't be everywhere, all the time. That's why you use marketing materials, business cards, ads, etc. Ideally these pieces market for you in your absence, making prospects aware of what you do and how you do it.

Unfortunately, at least until technology takes another leap, you can't have a verbal exchange in an ad or on a business card, which means you can't ask questions or receive back valuable answers.

Does this mean that with business cards and ads you lose the opportunity to ascertain what prospects' needs are? Not necessarily. Whether you realize it or not, each time you distribute information, make a presentation, or place an ad, you have the opportunity to answer one universal question that lingers in the mind of each proposective client. And that question is: "Why should I do business with you as opposed to your competition?"

As such, your marketing material should give prospects the answer to that question.

What makes you different from your competition? Be specific and distinctive with your message. A generalist message implies that you are "just another service," meaning you'll just blend into a vast sea of Realtors. A distinctive message, on the other hand, implies a distinctive service -- just the impression you wish to make.

Rhetorical Questioning

There are times when it's smart to ask for abstract results, such as asking your customers to merely think about their situations or about what you have to offer.

However, it probably wouldn't work to say, "Would you simply consider giving me the opportunity of your business?" or "Would you spend tonight thinking about what a terrific Realtor I could be for you, then call me in the morning?"

Rather than think about working with you, they'll think about how they can avoid running into you again.

Ask questions that prompt prospects to think buy asking rhetorical questions -- you know, those comments you pose as a question, but which actually require no response.

What you do is ask well-honed questions that require no answer, that are designed purely to make prospects think, and which make prospects feel smart because the manner in which you ask makes them feel as though they know what you're talking about. (Remember, prospects always want to feel smart when dealing with you.) For example, you could ask your listeners, "You know how some homes just sit on the market because they never get the advertising they should? Well, I give all my clients an 8-step marketing package that gives their house maximum exposure. As a result, the houses that I list sell, on the average, within 15 days."

Or how about trying, "Ever notice that entrepreneurs have a harder time buying a home? Well, I help small business owners such as yourself find the perfect home. I know that it's hard to get credit when you can't show a long-established income. So, what I've done is build my service with the assistance of a multitude of finance specialists who work with me on creative financing."

And, my favorite, "Don't you hate business cards with a lot of numbers? You never know which number to dial because you don't know where the person will be. Well, I have a Mobile Manager number where you can phone and fax me anytime, anywhere without having to guess my whereabouts. What I do is simply forward that one number to wherever I am. If I can't answer live, the service will still tell me immediately that you've called. This way, I can be available for you."

The bottom line is this: Questions such as these outlined above tend to make listeners think.

Imagine that -- you get the answers you want to a question you never really asked. Everybody wins.

Debra Traverso, M.A., is Vice President of One Call a telecommunications firm offering a unique Mobile Manager service to Realtors and mortgage lenders. Debra is also the author of five books including the Realtors' popular giftbook, "The Complete Home and Decorating Organizer" , a speaker, freelance journalist, and guest lecturer at Harvard University. She can be reached directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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