Eat Right, Feel Great And Get More Sales

Written by Posted On Tuesday, 01 February 2005 16:00

We've all heard it. It's on the news, in the papers and everywhere you turn - Americans are overweight, and the situation has reached epic proportions. More and more of our children are overweight, and the cost of obesity related medical expenses is on the rise.

And if that wasn't enough, studies have shown that the proper diet can help you become more productive at work (Sell more houses! Sell more houses!) and reduce stress.

When you're a busy Realtor, and you've had a long day on the job running from one open house to the next, who has the time or energy to eat the right foods? And with all of the choices out there, not to mention the personal and professional responsibilities we all have on our plate (no pun intended), who needs the added stress?

Well, it's actually a lot easier than you think.

Prepare your lunch the night before.

Whether it's leftovers from dinner, a sandwich or a salad, by putting your lunch together the night before, you're accomplishing two things. First, you won't need to pick up the old McValue meal to go, and second, you won't have to think about it when you're driving around town and can be more productive.

You know how it is. You've got a home inspection in the morning, prospect calls to make, and the next thing you know, it's almost noon, and you've got a listing presentation in less than an hour. By preparing your lunch the night before, you'll have something to keep your energy up for what promises to be a rewarding day.

Bring a healthy snack.

It happens to everyone. You get up in the morning, handle the Emergency of the Moment, work on a couple of listing presentations, and maybe even make some prospect calls. You dash off to lunch, and before you know it, it's 3:00pm. Snack time!

Here's something for you. Instead of grabbing some chips or a candy bar, why not have some fruit instead? And you don't have to buy a big bag of it either, unless you're feeling particularly aggressive. You can go to your local grocery store and get a container of fresh fruit, already sliced and cut into bite-sized pieces.

If fruit isn't your style or if you just want a change of pace, try eating a granola bar, trail mix, pretzels or even crackers (Wheat Thins). And best of all, you can have a supply of these items with you in your car. That way the next time you have a snack attack, you'll be ready. Because the last thing you want is to be distracted by hunger pangs while trying to close that deal.

Drink plenty of water.

This one might be harder for some to…ahem, swallow than others. The FDA recommends 8 glasses a day, but no one's saying you have to start off with that right away.

How about starting with a bottle of water with lunch? You can then have a glass of water with dinner. And after that, try having two bottles in the morning, one in the afternoon and some water with dinner. I've seen some people fill up a 32oz water bottle in the morning with the goal of finishing it off by the end of the day.

The important thing is to start slow, and develop a routine that's comfortable for you. But whatever you do, drinking water every day is a real easy way of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and helps to reduce the amount of stress in your life.

Bottom line: As a busy Realtor it's sometimes hard to eat the right foods. But just like you wouldn't put diesel gasoline in your regular unleaded tank, the same is true for your body if you're looking to excel in a highly competitive industry.

Remember, you are your biggest income-generating asset. And when you treat your body right, it will do the same for you.

If you'd like a free list of three more things you can do to a healthier lifestyle, just email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject heading, "3 Easy Ways to Healthy Living" and we'll send it right over.

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