How to Create an Emergency Preparedness Plan for Your Home

Written by Posted On Friday, 31 May 2019 08:09

Preparing for the unexpected may seem like an impossible task, but it's a vital one for you and your family. You never know when a natural disaster or other emergency situation will strike, and having a plan in place will help you get through it as easily as possible. Get started today by following these four steps:

1. Know What You'll Generally Expect

Every corner of the U.S. faces the threat of different potential disasters. In the Southeast, people are on guard during hurricane season, the Midwest hunkers down for tornadoes, and the West Coast has to worry about wildfires and earthquakes. In short, some types of storms affect certain areas more commonly, and you can use that information to help you prepare for an emergency situation at your home. Of course, you never know what will happen, but planning for what's most likely to occur is a good start.

2. Stock an Emergency Kit

If a disaster were to strike tomorrow, would you have the supplies necessary to get through it? If the answer is no, start your preparation by creating an emergency kit for you and your family.

Make sure to stock your kit with at least the basics. You should have three gallons of water per person in your family, which will be enough to get you through three days without access to H2O. The same goes for food — a three-day supply of non-perishable items should find their way into your pantry, too. Extra batteries, flashlights and a crank radio can prove to be vital tools in the midst of a storm. To that end, throw a wrench in your kit so you can manually shut down any utilities in a storm, too.

Then, you'll have to add emergency supplies specific to your family. Stock up on any medications that family members take, and be sure to have extra pet food on hand, too. Some families keep sleeping bags, changes of clothes and non-electronic children's activities at the ready, too.

If you find yourself regularly in storm paths, you might want to think about bulking up your emergency kit even more with a back-up generator. This investment can help you keep your home running, even if your power supply has temporarily shut down. Depending on the wattage provided by the model you buy, you can use everything from your washing machine to your stovetop to your air-conditioning unit.

3. Know How to Evacuate

Every town and city will have a different evacuation route should a natural disaster strike. Long before a storm arrives, then, you should figure out how you and your family can make the swiftest, safest exit. And, if you can't evacuate, learn where you and the rest of the local residents can gather to weather the storm — sometimes, bigger, stronger buildings will open their doors and provide emergency shelter.

Your family should have your own evacuation plan, too. For starters, come up with a meeting place, should you get separated in the midst of the storm. Designate an out-of-town contact who everyone can call if you get separated — that person can ensure everyone's okay and help you find each other, too. You might want to draw up an escape plan and go through it with your kids so that they know through which windows and doors they can safely exit.

4. Prepare Your Important Papers and Records

Another must-do pre-emergency is taking stock of your vital records and your valuables. Start by gathering passports, birth certificates, social security cards, etc. You can then place them in a safety deposit box, where they'll be secure and safe from a home in harm's way. You might also put them in a fire- and waterproof container that you can quickly grab and take with you as you evacuate. Either way, put them all in one place to make finding them easy after an emergency situation.

On top of that, you should take stock of all your possessions in case you have to make an insurance claim. You'll have to tell your insurer the damage a storm has done, and you can make that more tangible with a detailed list of what used to be in your home and what remains. Some homeowners even make videos, walking through and pointing out their valuables to the camera. Most importantly, though, you should keep your list or your video updated as you redecorate so you get the compensation you deserve.

Prepare Your Home and Rest Easy

You never know what's coming, whether it's the weather or another one of life's obstacles. However, what you can know is that you're ready for anything, and you have a plan in place to get your family out of harm's way as quickly and painlessly as possible. So, get started on your emergency plan today, and rest easy when an extraordinary weather pattern approaches — you're prepared.

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Holly Welles

Holly Welles is a real estate writer with her thumb on the pulse of industry trends. She runs her own residential real estate blog, The Estate Update, where she shares advice for renters and homeowners alike.

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