Benefits of Live Aquarium Plants

Written by Posted On Thursday, 06 June 2019 06:38
Live aquarium plants work as a magnificent addition to an aquarium. An aquarium with live plants seems gorgeous than one without. Not only do these plants help to beautify the aquarium, but they also provide several benefits for the fishes. Below is a list of the advantages of having a planted aquarium.
Produce Oxygen
During the process of photosynthesis, with the presence of light, plants produce oxygen and use up carbon dioxide. This process provides an additional supply of oxygen in the aquarium. Thus the fishes benefit from this as it uses the additional oxygen produced.
Aid Filtration
Plants help to reduce the number of nitrates and phosphates in the water by using them as natural fertilizers. Having less content of these chemicals, the water remains clean. As a result, fishes living in the aquarium remains healthy. Hence, the plants help to maintain the water quality in aquariums.
Reduce algae
Having nitrates and phosphates in water promotes algae growth. In an aquarium, as plants use these chemicals as natural fertilizers, the amount of these chemicals in the water will be reduced. As a result, algae growth will be less. Aquarium plants also prevent light from reaching on gravel surfaces and this would prevent algae from forming.
Reduce ammonia
Plants utilize ammonia from the fishes' waste products. If there is a high content of ammonia present in the fish tank, the water will suffer from pollution. Hence, the plants help to keep the water clean by reducing the content of ammonia in the water.
Aid Spawning
Aquarium plant leaves help in many ways for fish to spawn. Fishes choose large aquarium plant leaves as spawning sites. Aquarium plants with feathery leaves are used to catch falling eggs scattered by some fishes that spawn above. Surface plants are used by bubble nesters to help anchor their nests.
Protect Small Fishes
Sometimes, plants help small fishes to escape from larger fishes which prey on them in the aquarium. Small fishes make use of plant leaves to hide when a large fish wants to eat them. Large leaves, in particular, can serve as a good hiding place. This tends to happen in a densely planted aquarium.
Food Source for Fish
Some fishes feed on plants. If there are aquarium plants available, these fishes will feed on them. As such, live aquarium plants can serve as a food source for the fishes and help them to survive.
The above are some of the benefits of having plants in your aquarium. As you can see, they help your fishes in many ways. Most importantly, they help to maintain a natural, biological balance in your aquarium and contribute to the survival of the fishes as well. Furthermore, your aquarium will become more beautiful with the addition of plants.
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Adam Smith

Hello, this is Adam Smith, A professional Architect-Engineer and home improvements, real estate blogger for the last 5 years. I have worked as a content manager in various online real estate agents. I love to share my experience with my friends and family. Hope you guys find it useful. 


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