How to Keep your House Clean for Showings

Written by Posted On Tuesday, 23 July 2019 11:55

Cleaning Your House

A part of being a homeowner is taking care of your home. You have to keep your house presentable and clean. If you have pets or a lot of people at your house this can be difficult. Even if you just work a lot and don't have the time it can be hard. There are ways to make it go by a lot smoother. I have some tips to keeping your house clean. If you take these tips I guarantee your house will be clean all the time. 


Before you even start to clean make a checklist. This checklist should include everything you need. This includes the tasks you have to do and supplies. Having your supplies you will need on your checklist prevents you from running to the store while you are cleaning. Having your tasks on your checklist reminds you of everything you have to do. This way you won't skip over anything that needs to be cleaned. After you get done with a task you can cross it off your checklist and move to the next. Once you get to the end of the list you will feel like you've accomplished something. You have accomplished successfully cleaning your house.

Time Management

Set a specific time that you want to clean your house and do it. Even if you planned it on a day that didn't go so well. Make sure once you finally get home you clean it. This will prevent you from prolonging cleaning your house anymore. Stay consistent with your cleaning routine. If you always clean on Saturdays then clean every Saturday. Missing your cleaning day might result in your house not being cleaned for another week. This is when the dirt starts to pile up. Things get clutter and the mess becomes bigger and harder to clean. You don't want this to happen.

Deal With Your Home Problems

It is important to know the things in our home that make the most mess. After you figure this out find a way to deal with it. If you have a dog and you are always finding dog dandruff on the couch find a solution. You need to find the causes and treatments of dog dandruff. This way you can put a stop to this problem. You could be the biggest contributor to the mess in your house as well. You could have a habit of eating in the living room and leaving the mess. If you do this during the week. It is a big mess by clean up day. You can stop this. Enjoy eating in your living room just clean up the mess you make. This will prevent it from becoming a big mess.

Tidying up

Everyone has a set day and time they clean their home. This doesn't mean you can't do some little cleaning during the week. These will make it easier on the day you clean your home. During the week if you clean your dishes every evening. The kitchen won't be as dirty on cleaning day. Tidy up throughout your home. This will make your job easier on cleaning day.


Cleaning can be a big task or a small one. It all boils down to you. The choices you make during the days you don't clean affect cleaning day. Making the wrong decisions can turn cleaning day into cleaning days. This is not something you want. Make sure you clean during the day you set for cleaning. Tidy up on the days you aren't cleaning. This will make cleaning so much easier for you.

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