Thinking of Selling Your House This Year? Start with a Checklist

Written by Posted On Monday, 23 April 2018 12:05
Thinking of Selling Your House This Year? Start with a Checklist advantageu

The home selling process can seem very overwhelming, especially if you are doing it for the first time. It’s hard to know where to begin because there is layer upon layer of variables to factor in.

The best thing you can do to help organize yourself, is to create a checklist. This will ensure that you are leaving no stone unturned and keeping all the details in one place.

Wondering how you even begin creating this invaluable list?

Glad you asked.

Here’s a step by step breakdown:

1. Get into a comfy space, breathe and put on some relaxing music. Seriously.

If you are trying to put together a list while you are panicked or stressed, you are liable to forget things. Try to be as relaxed as possible.

Get into a comfy space

2. Figure out if you want this list to be digital or physical.

We would recommend a digital version so that you can share with your spouse, real estate agent, or anyone else who may need access. Of course, many people like having physical lists, and that’s ok too!

You can find digital checklist template downloads here.

From there you can decided to print the template and hand write the list if that works better for you.

handwrite the list - home sellers checklist

3. Start Populating the List.

Remember that everything doesn’t have to be in perfect order right away. You will have to figure out what needs to be done and then go back to re-arrange the list chronologically. You may start with things like: confirm time frame to sell, figure out your home’s value, find a real estate agent, etc.

Start Populating the List

4. Do your research and Consult Others.

There is a lot of information available online to help jump start your thought process. Don’t forget to ask others who have sold their home for advice on what to include. This would be the perfect time to start connecting with a real estate agent, who can give you expert advice on what to include on your list. Experienced real estate professionals –especially those certified by the AdvantageU Home Sellers’ Resource– will ensure you don’t miss any critical steps so you avoid common mistakes. Remember, this list will help you hold yourself accountable for the things you may need to get done to get your home sold.

Do your research and Consult Others

5. Keep Updating

This list will be ever-changing until you sell your home. Remember to keep it up to date and check it at least once a week. This list will only be as good as the person using it!

Keep Updating

6. Have Fun with It!

Creating a list can be difficult and that’s why it is important to have fun along the way. Plan little celebrations every time you can check something off!

Have Fun with It

We know not everyone has time to go through the steps it takes to create a home selling checklist. In addition to the tips we’ve provided above, below you will find a link to download The AdvantageU Ultimate Home Sellers’ Checklist. It is a comprehensive list that has everything you need to start the journey to successfully get your home sold.

Don’t forget to share this article with someone who may find it valuable!

Home Seller Checklist

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AdvantageU Home Sellers’ Resource was established to help residential home sellers navigate the complex world of real estate. Our aim is to help Home sellers: Reduce time & effort, discover available options, limit uncertainty & risk and make smart decisions.

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