Get Rid of Dandruff with These Home Remedies

Written by Posted On Monday, 06 May 2019 23:24

Do you see white flakes on your black dress or shirt? That’s dandruff and it can be embarrassing especially when you’re at a party or a conference. Nobody likes to have white flaky scalp and itching sensation that comes with dandruff. However, some may face this hair problem due to several reasons including improper brushing of hair, infrequent shampooing, unhealthy diet, stress and certain illnesses like eczema, Parkinon’s disease and dermatitis. If you’re such a person, then there is good news as you can easily combat dandruff by using a few home ingredients mentioned in this blog-post by a beauty school in Toronto.


Ingredients That Help You Get Rid of Dandruff

  1. 1.Yoghurt

Yoghurt is a good source of probiotics and friendly bacteria that can prevent scaling of the scalp. All you need is one cup of plain yoghurt. Apply it on your scalp and let it stay for about fifteen minutes. But make sure you shampoo your hair before and after this application to ensure there is no oil left in your hair. If you have an acute dandruff problem, then you can use it daily before taking a shower.


Alternative Method

Yoghurt can also be consumed with two teaspoons of ground black pepper which has antifungal properties. This alternative method works as yoghurt can reduce the formation of yeast within our bodies that can lead to dandruff on scalp.

  1. 2.Coconut and Honey Mask

Coconut preserves the natural proteins in hair while honey has antimicrobial properties that can eliminate dandruff. Use two teaspoons of coconut oil, olive oil, honey and yoghurt. Mix all of them properly until it forms a smooth consistency. Apply this mixture on your scalp and massage it from the roots to the tips of your hair for about ten minutes. Leave it for thirty to forty-five minutes and then shampoo your hair. But refrain from over-shampooing your hair as that can remove the moisture provided by the mask.

  1. 3.Orange Peel Pack


Orange peels have acidic properties that can reduce excess oil from your scalp and condition it thus treating dandruff. For this remedy, you need a few orange peels and five to six tablespoons of lemon juice. Put them in a mixer and blend them well till you get a smooth pack. Apply this on your scalp and let it stay for about thirty minutes. Then rinse your hair with a gentle shampoo. You can try this pack twice or thrice a week for speedy results.

  1. 4.Tea Tree Oil


Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory properties and a higher rate of dermal penetration that makes it an effective remedy. Take a few drops of tea tree oil and mix it with your shampoo in a cup. Rub the mixture on your scalp and rinse it after five to ten minutes. You can repeat this daily or on alternate days.

  1. Bananas have vitamins B which can improve your blood circulation and keep your skin healthy. Apple cider vinegar, on the other hand, kills germ s and treats dandruff. Peel one ripe banana and put it in a blender along with two cups of apple cider vinegar. Make sure they are blended well until it forms a smooth paste. Apply it all over your scalp properly and leave it for twenty minutes. Rinse your hair with plain water thereafter. Repeat this once to thrice a week.Banana and Apple Cider Vinegar

These are some of the effective home remedies suggested by the experts of a beauty school in Toronto. Choose the one that you find easy and get rid of dandruff as soon as possible.

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