Agent Tips: How Digital Marketing Can Help You Move Properties Quickly

Written by Posted On Thursday, 24 November 2016 05:51

You may have heard of the new trend, digital marketing. It has quickly taken it’s place as the best way to market your company and improve your profit margin. With people moving more towards the digital and social media world for interactions, companies have had to restructure the way that they attract new clients. If you want to keep up with the times and move your properties quickly, putting in place a digital and social media marketing plan can really bring your business to new heights - as long as it’s done properly.

To start, if you haven't already you will have to bring yourself to the 21st century and get all of the technologies you will need for you digital marketing plan. A laptop or desktop computer is obviously the first piece of equipment that you will need. You will also want to have a secure internet service to protect all of you data and information. Charter Spectrum is a great, affordable option, starting at only $39.99 per month. Now that you have all of the equipment that you need, it’s time to get working on your digital and social media marketing plan.

1.) Create a Website. The first step in having an effective digital marketing plan is to create an innovative website to market your properties - and yourself. Providing a website for your potential and existing clients will not only help you drive traffic and improve your profit, but it will also help you appear more professional. Having somewhere to showcase your work and experience will improve the trust that your clients have in you and will also attract new clients. Use your site to promote available properties, allow your clients to see who you are and improve your real-life traffic. You can find a lot of different website hosting services, but GoDaddy is one of the best options available. Once your website is established you want to improve your search engine ranking, which brings us to the next step…

2.) Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the number one stop for digital marketing. It essentially helps improve your search engine rankings using keywords and relevant information. If you are new to the topic, it is best to hire a service to handle your SEO tasks. They will create keyword-optimized content, analyze your key metrics and track your rankings to help you beat all of your competitors in new leads and properties sold.

3.) Social Media Marketing. Although SEO is one of the best tools for digital marketing, social media is quickly taking over. If you do not have a strong social media presence, you are losing out on potential leads, referrals and marketing opportunities. Creating a profile on some of the top social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat can help you reach new markets and potential clients. Remember to not just use your social media accounts to post your available properties, but regularly post relevant articles about the real estate industry to keep your audience engaged.

4.) Contact Manager. Using a Customer Relationships Manager (CRM) tool to store all of your potential and existing client data can really improve your future profitability. The tool will not only track their data, but it will assess key statistics and trends, provide detailed market information and allow you to create customized email marketing campaigns, follow-ups and targeted marketing initiatives. It is an excellent tool that will take your digital marketing plan to the next level.


Digital and social media marketing is a great way to expand your real estate practice. However, if not done correctly, you could be shelling out a lot of money and not receiving a good return. If you use these tips to market yourself online, you will be moving your properties and improving your profit margin in no time. 

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