Question Dear Reader – What makes you Stand Out in this world?

We could talk about your business, even your product, but this is about YOU.

What makes YOU unique?

Speaking in front of 500 Leaders recently I posed the question,

“What is your Signature Move and how are you using it daily in your business as a LEADER?”

The blank stares concerned me.

Digging deeper, and even asking for their hands to go up, searching for ideas of what makes them unique, no one could even offer one unique characteristic about themselves as leaders, let alone as human beings.

These are leaders of businesses, government, education, communities…and yet identifying their differentiators was nearly impossible for them.  

How are Leaders supposed to lead anyone if they don’t know what sets them apart?

The essence of leadership is knowledge of our strengths, clarifying skillsets, and keeping our promise to utilize what we have!

…and in turn, empowering those we serve as leaders to identify theirs as well. 

So how are you keeping that promise to those you lead as the LEADER?

Not sure?

Want to discover yours?

(As a side note, Dear Reader, as a Speaker I am hired because I’m entertaining with a message, and then event planners are surprised because it’s inspiring, but attendees are only moved because I am really there to provoke you, your thinking and initiate actual change to drive sales, profit, and success.  So let’s do this)

HERE’S AN EXERCISE you can do for yourself to begin The Process:

1. If I were to ask you to identify 1 or 2 traits that set you apart in this world it will cripple your thinking.  Instead, write 100 things that you are good at as fast as you can.
2. Upon completion begin circling the words that really resonate with you, which identify your passions and help you see who you really are.  (for example, mine would be words like: “funny”, “creative”, “writer”, “thoughtful”, “worker”, etc)
3. Of the circled words, narrow it down and only write the Top 10 you believe tell the story of you, which have helped define your life.

Look at these words for a minute.

Own them!

Now consider your job, your career path, where you landed.

What is the distance between what you thought you’d be as a kid, compared to what you worked on in college, and the desk in the office where you now sit?  

Don’t be alarmed, there’s a reason for all of it.

After you IDENTIFY (Step 1) a certain amount of talents, gifts, traits naturally born within you, in your DNA, which make you who you are, the process begins.

The next steps in the process are what I teach in my presentations in a hilarious and entertaining way to the leaders among us, and it involves the clarifying process through collaboration with those you trust, and finally magnifying our findings.

In other words, we CLARIFY (Step 2) when we ask those we trust in our families, work, as well as clients we’ve worked and even those we’ve lost, to help us refine our differentiation.  This is the ultimate level of engagement when we are willing to embrace what we really bring to the table of business, relationships and life.

And then we MAGNIFY (Step 3) our Signature Move through leverage in each interaction, connection, and transaction for the rest of our lives, and in turn, keep The Promise as Leaders.

What’s your Signature Move?  Here’s your process:

1. Identify = Discover
2. Clarify = Refine
3. Magnify = Leverage

We call this “Creating Legendary Leaders”, because legends keep promises, and this all comes together when we realize it is up to us to own our amazing talents, strengthen them, help others find theirs, and bless the world with what we’ve got that is uniquely ours.

That is your differentiator.

That is what makes you invaluable and indispensable.

That is your Signature Move!

That is what makes you Legendary as both a Leader and a Performer.

When you discover, and ultimately share, your uniquely YOU Signature Move, you make a difference in this world and live the life you were intended to live.

So let’s return to the beginning – What makes you Stand Out in this world?

It’s your Signature Move.  Are you using it?

Enjoy this video of my comedy routine, showcasing this incredibly funny identifying metaphor using my face, as to how we can all clarify our Signature Moves and keep our Promise to share it with the world as an incredible differentiator, your gift of Leverage in Leadership.

I look forward to us finding more clarity about your uniqueness together next week.



Posted On Tuesday, 02 February 2021 12:00 Written by

We have about a week to reach out and make our connections with our accountant referral partners before they start getting tied up with tax returns. Accountants are excellent referral partners and very easy to connect with if you follow a simple plan like the one we have laid out on the website or in my e-book. The important starting point is to NEVER cold call or direct mail an accountant for business that you don’t know! So what are good ways to engage accountants?

• Verify your client’s tax returns! The simple task of calling an accountant to verify that the tax returns your client gave you are the returns that were filed is a great starting point and likely not being done by other people in your market! Not only is this a great ice breaker, it can save you lots of time and surprises down the road!
• Follow-up with each accountant with a Thank You card after a closing to thank them for their help. So few people send cards in the mail that they really stand out!
• Make them part of your “Collecting 9’s & 10’s” process and see how you can refer them your clients that need help.
• Have a strategic plan on how you can provide exceptional value to the accountant’s current clients, as well as ways of incorporating that accountant into you seminars and videos as a local expert.

Once you have connected with the accountant, be sure you are sharing important information they and their clients need to be aware of. Changes in rates, programs, property values, and other considerations can really help that accountant serve their clients. Just the ability to provide a simple “Annual Mortgage Fitness Check-up” for their clients can be an exceptional value added service for that accountant. This works especially well in early September when accountants are getting ready to work with those clients that filed for tax filing extensions! You can read more about this on the website.

Accountants are really great referral partners! You just have to get in front of them and provide exceptional value through a few very simple strategies. If you don’t have a list of accountants already; start collecting them now and they will be available for you in early September. Remember, once the second week of February hits, accountants will be working on their tax preparations and likely to involved to spend much time with you, so don’t be a pest!

Questions or comments: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Posted On Monday, 01 February 2021 00:00 Written by

Meet Super Leader, Ruby Bright, President & CEO of the Women's Foundation for a Greater Memphis and See How She Does It! [VIDEO]

Ruby Photo 2019Under her nearly 20-year leadership, WFGM has served as a backbone organization in the city promoting philanthropy, fostering leadership and supporting program services for women and families. WFGM’s impact and programs are nationally recognized, proving the power of place-based, strategic fundraising and grant development for intergenerational impact. Since 1996, WFGM has invested more than $30 million over 600 programs involving more than 100 local non-profits, including investments in advocacy and research.

Bright’s numerous awards include the 2015 Super Women In Business Award, 2017 National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women (NOBEL Women) Shining Star Award, and the 2017 Girl Scouts One Smart Cookie Award, 2017 Memphis Heritage Trail Trailblazers Award. Bright also services on the Memphis Challenge Board of Directors.

Posted On Friday, 10 June 2022 00:00 Written by
Posted On Friday, 29 January 2021 00:00 Written by

 Tami Bonnell HeadshotEXIT Realty Corp International’s CEO TAMI BONNELL is an internationally renowned leader in the real estate industry and was instrumental in building three major brands. Among her many achievements, she was recognized by Real Estate trend watcher, Stephan Swanepoel, three years consecutively as one of the 200 most Powerful and influential   people in residential real estate, among the top 20 corporate executives and among the top 10 women leaders.

 Ms. Bonnell has been a featured speaker at the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTOR’S® convention to the Top 500 power brokers, The National Women’s Council REALTORS®, Inman News Connect Conference and the RIS Media’s Leadership Conference.  

She was named to the National Association of Women in Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem ( NAWRB) Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Council (NDLIC).

Ms. Bonnell was honored by STEM connector as one of it’s 100 Corporate Women Leaders in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math).

Ms. Bonnell is a 30 plus year veteran of the real estate industry and joined EXIT Realty in 1999. She was appointed Chief Executive Officer in 2012.

She is a wife, mother of three and grandmother of three. In her spare time she is a martial artist, coach and referee.

Posted On Thursday, 28 January 2021 00:00 Written by

Between fact-checkers and Yelpers, the Information Age is laden with a visual archive of how customers and clients perceive products, services, or even your organizational culture. Navigating how to keep your customers happy is already an insurmountable task some days, and now we must factor in their very public display of their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with you.

In years past, you might have been able to overcome a bad review of your customer service department by simply reassuring your client that they were correct, or that you would remedy the situation in the future. That is certainly no longer the case, as every customer has their own digital megaphone in their front pocket or purse, just waiting in the wings to weaponize it at will.

I’m here to tell you that this is not a good or bad thing; it merely exists. Technological changes and access to information are only going to accelerate, especially given the emergence of 5G connectivity. That means customers will be satisfied or dissatisfied with what you have to offer as an organization much quicker than in years gone by.

1. Equity in Customer Relationships

Because of this, we must not just focus on customer satisfaction and the quality of our products and services alone; we must shift our focus to our customer relationships. No matter what kind of customer our organization has, your relationship with them and understanding their intricate needs have become integral to your success.

Every industry has a variety of options when it comes to products and services. So many companies focus both their attention and finances on how to stand out in the way of their products and services, boasting that they care about their customers almost as if they’re merely checking that box off the list.

However, customers aren’t naive! They know when you really mean it, and to many, their allegiance with a brand, product, or service hinges solely on their relationship either with the staff at said company, or the company culture.

The brick-and-mortar example many can likely relate to in recent years is the younger generations attending their favorite coffee shop, whether it be Starbucks or a local small bistro. I’ve heard more often than not that individuals personally connect with the staff and culture at their favorite coffee shop, where their preference of coffee might very well follow their connection to the business.

2. Customer Relationships Rooted in Culture

In the coffee shop example, culture is what several customers identify with. Whether culture is corporate culture or the individual personalities of the staff, the relationship between a company and a customer is directly rooted in culture. Consider the image your organization portrays to the general public and, also, the significance of your products and services in the world.

Recently, I discussed the importance of understanding how customers perceive you and how you and your team perceive yourselves. This directly correlates to the relationship you have with both your regular customers and potential new ones. Do you give off an image of innovation, progression, and forward thinking, or are you archaic, outdated, and protecting and defending your status quo?

Most customers want a bit of both. They come to you because your relationship with them has never faltered and you understand “their usual”; however, they want to be dazzled and for their evolving needs to be met, even when they don’t know exactly what those needs are. As an Anticipatory Organization, you must understand those evolving needs even when your customer does not. This is a corporate culture a customer gravitates towards, whether you’re a technology firm designing an app or a coffee shop.

Your significance is another integral part of your culture being what a customer relationship is rooted in. A focus on success is usually a focus only on the bottom line, no matter who makes us that money. Longevity in business comes from a focus on significance over success, where your impact in the world or your industry and being a positive disruptor is what strengthens your relationships, both new and old.

3. Trust Holds It All Together

In a world filled with uncertainty, you have to ask yourself what you are certain about. The number one thing I’m certain about is that the future is all about relationships.

If you want a positive future, then you need to have positive relationships with your customers. And if you want positive relationships, you have to focus on the glue that holds a positive relationship together: trust.

Previously, I mentioned that customers prefer you to both stay the same and evolve and innovate. The part of them that prefers you to maintain the status quo actually translates to their trust in your products and services, not for you to resist change. When they have a positive relationship with you, it means they trust you and, likewise, trust where your company is heading.

Anytime you disregard their trust when you innovate, you run the risk of turning that relationship into a negative one, which, in the Information Age, not only means you lose them as a customer, word of that broken trust will spread like wildfire on all social media platforms, causing you to lose new customers before you’ve ever had a chance to build a relationship with them.

4. Always Consider the Customer

So how do you win this constant battle between maintaining a customer’s trust and innovating? 

Before you implement any new product, service, or change in policy or procedure, ask yourself, “How will this impact our relationships with old and new customers?” If it proves to damage your existing customer relationships, then don’t do it in that way. Find a way to implement change that does not tarnish your customer’s trust, which would thus damage the relationship.

My Anticipatory Organization Model brings focus to Hard Trends, which are future certainties that will happen and the problems those disruptions may cause. Every customer you have a relationship with has a problem that needs solving. Be the one that solves it to further their trust in your company, product, or service and maintain your quality relationship with them.



Posted On Tuesday, 08 August 2023 00:00 Written by
Posted On Tuesday, 26 January 2021 00:00 Written by

Business is booming and a large number of first time buyers are entering or coming back to the market. It’s a great time to make that commitment to buy that first house, but in many cases, the buyers don’t get the full story or know ALL of their options. See if any of these sound familiar:

• You are going to need a seller’s contribution to get into a house.
• You can only borrow a certain amount of money.
• You only qualify for this type of program.

People are told these things but are never actually given all of their options or a plan to improve their opportunities! We all know it’s almost impossible to get a seller’s contribution in most markets across the country. So why set that client and the referral partner up for frustration and failure? Was it ever suggested that that client and likely co-borrower entertain taking a part time job to generate additional funds? Two people working a job that even paid $10 an hour could easily generate an extra thousand or two a month. Instead of being frustrated, empower them to solve the problem. It may take a few months or longer to get the cash needed to not needing help from the seller, but isn’t that better than not making any progress at all?

Sometimes credit scores or DTI steps in and becomes a challenge. Instead of just giving the borrowers a smaller loan at a higher rate, what if we used the extra money earned to pay down or pay off debt? That $300 a month car loan with two years left to go can be paid down or off so that $300 can easily become about $70K in additional borrowing power!

What if we are stuck with a limited down payment and need FHA or USDA in order to buy? A couple of thousand dollars a month can quickly grow down payments to 5% or 10% or more! Lower rates, lower or zero MI costs, all possible IF the clients knew they had options!

Think about it. Look back at your preapprovals that are three or more months old and ask yourself; would these people be in a better position to buy if they were banking an additional thousand or two in the bank every month and had a real plan on how to use that money to get their house and under significantly better conditions?

Questions or comments: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Posted On Monday, 25 January 2021 00:00 Written by
Posted On Friday, 22 January 2021 00:00 Written by
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