How do you go from a dining room folding table to 7 figure income?  Christy Buck shares her journey from single mom of two young boys and struggling sales agent to dominate the Houston real estate market? Christy shares how it can be done through a team effort, and her Chief Operations Manager, Samantha Knoerr.  Check this segment out to learn how building a team through systems and accountability works to empower every member of the team and create matchless distinction and success!

Posted On Friday, 12 June 2020 05:00 Written by
Posted On Thursday, 11 June 2020 12:00 Written by

How has the business year started for your company? Spring is already starting to wind down, and that means it is a good time to take assessment. Whether you are meeting expectations, a little behind, or exceeding your dreams, everybody wants that extra customer. But, especially in a field as competitive as real estate, how do you get it? Terri Murphy knows that you need to prove your worth to customers, if you really want to achieve success.

As the year goes on, are you measuring progress? Terri Murphy knows it is important to measure progress, but not to get caught up in perfection. And, she has three very important tips, as you attempt to make this an exceptional year.

  1. Clearly define three top goals, which, if accomplished by this time next year, will make you feel super successful. Decide what it will take to have a high-performance year by focusing on only one week at a time.
  1. Create a master weekly checklist with activities you want to complete every day of every week. Be sure to include both personal and professional goals.
  1. Develop an action plan for each category. For prospecting, block out one hour per day every day of the week. If your goal is to exercise for better health, add a one-hour workout to your action plan. If you want to focus on your personal relationships, make a weekly date night one of your goals.

Sometimes, accomplishing a little at a time can be a great way to progress. And, as long as you are working towards goals, you are heading in the right direction. Terri Murphy would love the opportunity to work with you, and show you how engaging and dynamic presentations can make you the “go to” force in the industry. If you are tired of where you are currently at, it is time to take action. Contact Terri Murphy, today, and see how simple it is to get started.

Posted On Thursday, 28 December 2023 00:00 Written by

As a leader, do you have your finger on the pulse of what’s happening every week? Your team needs real leadership in a time that they need it most! People are still buying and selling and if we feel responsibility to help them, we have to figure out ways to help prospects even though we are physically restricted. Master Coach, speaker, trainer and radio host, Cleve Gaddis, from Remax Center in Atlanta, addresses how giving your team structure and systems can shift them from Lead Accountability to Lead Awareness. 



Cleve Gaddis is a Master Coach, speaker, and trainer with Workman Success Systems who works with some of America's most-profitable teams. He specializes in helping family-owned brokerages and teams navigate the challenges unique to family businesses. Cleve hosts "Your Move Atlanta," a weekly radio show on 640 AM, a Fox News station on iHeartRadio.  He learned to sales the hard way, by selling vacuum cleaners door to door.  To have Cleve speak live to your company, team, or group, connect with him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Posted On Wednesday, 04 August 2021 00:00 Written by

And they lived happily ever after…

Remember when you were just a kid and the fairy tales were such delight!  True love lasts forever, the good guys always win, and the sun will come out tomorrow, and you believed it. Then one day, someone told you, or you learned through an experience, that things don’t always work out like they do in fairy tales—and that  was the start of your “belief system” that changed how you looked at just about everything. 

Posted On Thursday, 04 June 2020 05:00 Written by
Posted On Friday, 05 June 2020 05:00 Written by

Are you a decision maker or do you hold back? Are you annoyed by people who just can't make a decision? It can be a challenge and team leader, Valerie Morris, President of Morris Marketing Group, shares what really happens when you won't make a decision. Listen in to this short podcast and get the scoop on how Valerie helps us to learn to step up and make the best decisions and how it impacts!  

Posted On Wednesday, 03 June 2020 05:00 Written by

Do you give that little bit extra?  Naomi shares why standing firm and being a part of the team to help others through leadership is part of giving, not taking.

Posted On Thursday, 28 May 2020 05:00 Written by
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