How To Save On Your Adelaide Water Bill

Posted On Friday, 01 September 2023 10:55

The cost of living seems to be on the rise, with the price of daily goods increasing day by day. As wages are not scaling across the board at the same rate, people are looking for ways to save money. Turning off appliances when they are not in use has become a common practice.

In a hot Adelaide summer, many need to keep the fan and AC running. To compensate, residents are looking for other ways to save on their bills. 

Another way you can save a few more dollars is by making savings on your water bill. By adopting a few simple practices and implementing a change or two, you could see a considerable reduction in your water bill.

Change Those Leaking Pipes

According to the EPA, a one-family household is losing out on about 180 gallons of water per week to leakages. When adjusted for the year, this comes out to be a whopping 9,400 gallons per household.

If you notice a considerable spike in your water bill but you have not increased usage, it might be a good idea to track down any hidden leaks and have them repaired as soon as possible. The financial cost of water leaks can add up over time, and they are harmful to the environment as well.

During an especially hot summer in Adelaide, the last thing you want is to be stressed out by wasted water and a rising water bill.  If you feel like your house has leaking pipes or other leakages, you can employ the services of Adelaide plumbers to help fix them.  

Turn That Shower Off

Royal Flush Plumbing highlights how a leaking shower head can be the cause behind a long list of issues. In addition to inducing frustration, it can also increase your water bill.

If you take a look at your water bill, water use is charged on a ‘per kilolitre’ basis. In South Australia, a tier system is followed to determine your water bill. Tier one is the most efficient and attracts the lowest rate per kilolitre. Subsequently, tier three accounts for the highest rate per kilolitre.

The difference between falling in the tier one category instead of tier two or three can be a matter of a few hundred liters. Making sure you turn off your shower when you are not using it can make all the difference. You could even install a water-saving or eco shower head built to help conserve water.

Save The Pool

Being able to jump into the pool in the backyard could be just the splash of refreshment you require on a hot Adelaide summer day. However, the increase in temperature can also cause water from the pool to evaporate sooner than usual.

When your pool is not in use, cover it up to keep the water from evaporating. This allows you to reduce the amount of time you have to fill the pool up, and can subsequently reduce your water bill.

Fill Up The Dishwasher 

Compared to washing your dishes by hand, a dishwasher is already a more efficient way of doing the dishes. By optimizing how often you use your dishwasher, you can make some more savings on your water bill.

Instead of doing multiple rounds of dishes a day, wait till the dishwasher is filled up before you run it. Getting more dishes done at once means fewer rounds in the dishwasher.

Energy Efficient Appliances 

As the common saying goes, you have to spend money to make money. Turns out, you could also spend money to save money in the long run. If you find that your energy bill is higher than your neighbor’s despite similar amounts of usage, the culprit could be inefficient appliances.  

Keep in mind that heavy appliances like a dishwasher or washing machine also consume more electricity and energy. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in America estimates that a reduction of 65% or more can be unlocked by switching out inefficient energy guzzlers, for more energy-efficient alternatives. 

It might also be a good idea to study the Energy Rating Label mandated by the Australian government. The more stars there are, the more energy-efficient the appliance is.

Change Up Your Garden

Residents of Adelaide are employed by the city to set up, and tend to their gardens, due to the numerous benefits a garden can offer. However, your garden is also a usual place where you could save a few dollars on your water bill.

By planting flora that require less water to flourish, you could save a few gallons of water, and get to observe a reduction in your water bill.


Here’s another nifty trick you can use to make savings on your water bill in Adelaide: Pick up an aerator for your faucets at home. These devices introduce air into the stream of water. The result? A much more consistent water supply, and a potential reduction of up to 30% in your water usage!

Remember that a reduction in your water consumption not only reduces your water bill but is also beneficial for the environment.

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