3 Rooms You Need to Spruce up to Increase Property Value

Written by Posted On Wednesday, 14 June 2017 05:49

Investing into your home before selling is always a smart decision. Increasing your property value, however, won’t pay off if you end up spending a ton of money on renovations and knowing exactly what areas and things you need to focus on is your best bet for squeezing out maximum profit out of your property value. Here are the three rooms that you need to spruce up if you want to increase your home’s market value.

  1. Living room

Your living room is the focal point of your home and without a doubt the most important room that needs sprucing up. Start by removing all furniture from it and focus on repainting the entire area. Go with warmer colors, but don’t go too crazy with their liveliness. In any case, a freshly painted room will look clean and, well, fresh, which will instantly bring out a whole new, fantastic vibe!
Next, bring a bit of nature into your home – a couple of plants will go a long way in boosting the general feel, while making the whole place a tad easier and more pleasant to breathe in.
Finally, here’s an idea: tear down the walls that separate your kitchen, your dining room and your living room and go for the open-floor plan setting. This is especially advisable for homes with small to medium living rooms – it will make the entire floor level look spacious and more luxurious.

  1. Kitchen

Your kitchen should look attractive, cozy and hygienic – this is essential both in terms of buyers and valuation surveyors. Before starting with the remodel, consider whether or not you’ll be making structural changes to the space and even think about a potential kitchen relocation. If you opt for the mentioned open-floor plan idea, things will be significantly easier; however, if this concept isn’t to your taste, aim at reusing! Look for the doors that might be hanging off and the peeling and damaged worktops; keep an eye out for salvageable stuff – if these don’t fit the layout that you’re planning on making, you can move them around, while adding new units. Quality worktops, doors and handles are first things that everyone will instantly notice and this will become their strong impression, so these items are those that you need to pay attention to the most.
Make sure that there is adequate lighting in the kitchen; without it, half of the work you’ve done will have been for nothing.
Finally, replace the fridge if the current one looks too outdated!

  1. Bathroom

Much like the kitchen, the bathroom needs to look fresh and hygienic. Additionally, as the case is with the kitchen, making sure that there is proper lighting here is of essence.
Unlike the kitchen, however, the bathroom is a place to add a touch of luxury – it needs to evoke a soothing, relaxed, rich atmosphere. If there’s a way to expand your bathroom’s size, don’t waste time – do it; people might appreciate a well-conceived living room, but it’s the bathroom that they’re going to truly fall in love with.

If there is enough space available, it is recommended that you install both a shower and a bath; stone baths are particularly popular and luxurious-looking!
Check your existing sanitaryware for damage, stains; if it’s of an unfashionable color, such as avocado, peach, chocolate brown, or pink – replace it!
Additionally, make sure that the flooring is as hygienic, fresh and new as possible – you can’t really hide filthy bathroom tiles with a carpet, right?
Finally, equip your bathroom with an extractor fan for ventilation and always go with more than a single mirror, especially if your bathroom isn’t exactly spacious!

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Andrew Newitt

Andrew Newitt is a young interior designer currently residing in Melbourne, Australia. With his articles on home improvement, decor and real estate tips he hopes to help people make the best of their cozy homes.


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