How to Keep Your Vacation House Sparkling Clean With Minimal Effort

Written by Posted On Friday, 08 March 2019 06:35
How to Keep Your Vacation House Sparkling Clean With Minimal Effort

Are you having a busy schedule this holiday season? Yes. This doesn't give you permission to neglect your home. It is possible to have a clean and sparkling home; unfortunately, it does take a lot of work.

Start with a clean slate

Spare some minutes to cleaning your home before you leave or return to your vacation home. Always start the holidays off right with a clean home. This practice makes it easier to keep clean. It also helps motivate you to keep it neat, despite the hustles of the holiday season.

Less décor

It's okay to keep it your home simple and smart. Less decor is acceptable this year. Chances are the days following guest departure; you'll need to do plenty of work cleaning the house. Limit your choice of décor to a Christmas tree, door wreath, and a few throws and pillows to make your home look festive and comfy with minimal effort.

Declutter your home

If you haven't used something in the past six months, then throw it away. The only exception to this rule is essential items and clothing. Separate your clutter into boxes and label the boxes 'keep', 'donate' or 'throw away' items. The labeling eludes any important items getting thrown away by mistake.

Toss holiday decor that no longer works. Always set a donation box for items that you won’t use to decorate with this year. Take those holiday decorations to the less fortunate or thrift store so others will have the chance use them for the holidays. As you’re decorating, don’t limit your donations to just holiday items. Go ahead and get rid of items you no longer need that are taking up space. Eventually, your home will be less cluttered and look more appealing.

Lost and found box

Set up a lost and found box at a commonplace. This is the box you put lost items such as loose buttons, single socks, etc. The lost and found box helps you find and locate things when you need them. Make extra use of the box to store any items guests might accidentally leave behind.

Unleash the power of your dishwasher

Your portable dishwasher is your go-to superhero you not only stop at cleaning the dishes. You can wash plastic toys (without batteries) in the dishwasher, and get them nice and clean again. The dishwasher helps to sanitize the children toys so that they can be played with.

The beauty of using your portable dishwasher to wash toys means that you can simply carry the dishwasher from your home to your vacation home and let it get work on the gadgets.

Essentially, this gives you a thorough clean without much effort.

Clean upholstery, Carpets, Furniture & Floors

Steam cleaning your carpets is extremely important for vacation homes. Carpet cleaning removes those stains so your place is fresh and ready for your summertime holidays.
Remove cushions, clean underneath the carpet and the dirt in the cracks and crevices.

Take the cushions outside and clean them gently to remove dust before putting them back in place. Also, work on the wooden floors and furniture.

You need to wax them to give them shine. Always shop for the right type of broom or cleaner for the right type of floor. For indoors, use a broom with fine bristles to pick up tiny dirt particles.

Whereas For the outdoor areas, get a broom with stronger bristles. Always remove pet hair from the house and other surfaces using rubber gloves. Practice this hair removal routine every two days as its easy and super effective.

Never underestimate DIY cleaning techniques did you know that you can use toothpaste to remove permanent marker on your floors. This simple DIY solution it doesn't damage the floors.

Whether you clean the house yourself or hire a cleaning service to do it for you, create a checklist that will ensure that you aren't neglecting any import duties. The cleaning checklist helps you work against stains, dirt, and grime that build up over time.

Conclusively, if you keep your property in clean appearance and conduct simple cleaning a couple of times, you'll protect your investment.

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